
7:54 PM
Moana 2 (2024) English language



Walt Disney Animation Studios' epic animated musical "Moana 2" takes audiences on an expansive new voyage with Moana, Maui and a brand-new crew of unlikely seafarers. After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding ancestors, Moana must journey to the far seas of Oceania and into dangerous, long-lost waters for an adventure unlike anything she's ever faced.


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INFO: Σε περίπτωση που η ταινία σας κολλάει πατήστε pause (παύση) για 2 με 5 λεπτά το πολύ, ώστε να φορτώσει.

In case your movie is stuck press pause for 5 minutes in order for it to load.


Views: 22 | Added by: itheodora | Tags: animation, comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, family, Musical | Rating: 0.0/0
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