
7:00 AM
Love at First Sight (2023) English language



After missing her flight from New York to London, Hadley (Haley Lu Richardson) meets Oliver (Ben Hardy) in a chance encounter at the airport that sparks an instant connection. A long night on the plane together passes in the blink of an eye but upon landing at Heathrow, the pair are separated and finding each other in the chaos seems impossible. Will fate intervene to transform these seat mates into soul mates?







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INFO: Σε περίπτωση που η ταινία σας κολλάει πατήστε pause (παύση) για 2 με 5 λεπτά το πολύ, ώστε να φορτώσει.

In case your movie is stuck press pause for 5 minutes in order for it to load.


Views: 201 | Added by: itheodora | Tags: Drama, Romance | Rating: 0.0/0
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